Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

Do Your Seasonal Employees Have Long-term Potential?

As we search for talented individuals to join our seasonal team, we're eager to discover the unique strengths and experiences each candidate brings. During the interview process, we aim to gain insight into passion, adaptability, ability to collaborate, efficiency, and customer service.  Once the holiday season is over and the new year begins, it can be challenging to let some seasonal employees go.  The temporary opportunity has revealed skills, enthusiasm, and compatibility that could service your team in the future.  As you look forward, consider making room for talented seasonal staff to potentially transition into permanent roles within your organization.  Here are 7 questions you could use in an interview to evaluate long-term potential.

  1. How important is it for people to have goals to work toward? How are your own goals established? Tell me about your specific work related goals?

  1. Describe a work-related skill or ability you have learned in the last year or so. How did you find out about this?

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a creative thinker, or an implementer? Why?

  1. Even a successful operation has room for improvement. In what areas would you want improvement in the next six months? 

  1. Everyone supports the importance of good communications. What do you do to establish effective communications with others?

  1. Have you ever had difficulty getting along with a co-worker or supervisor? How did you handle it?

  1. If hired, what position would you like to see yourself in, 3-5 years from now?
Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

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