Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

10 Things Recruiters Likely Won’t Tell You, but You Wish They Would

Recruiters have one main goal: finding the right hires for each client. Their level of performance is directly related to how effectively and quickly they match top talent with job requirements.


Ironically, in today’s economy, recruiters are finding their jobs harder than ever. In a society where unemployment rates are high, many are seeking a job, but sometimes those seeking are not the type of talent jobs require. Likewise, there is often too much talent for recruiters to sort through and what used to be a clean process of sorting through resumes, has in many cases become overwhelming due to the number of inquires for each job opening.

“Jack of all trades, master of none.”

As a result of higher volumes of job seekers, there is a large variety of talent and often it’s a “jack of all trades, master of none” workforce applying, rather than those with specific skills. Each job opening is different, and some need very specific skills, yet those with the needed skills may get overlooked by the masses.


Candidates are left to pay more attention to the power of a first impression than ever. What does a cover letter say that leads to an interview – and then, how do you master the first impression at the interview?


Reality is, those whose resumes don’t make a good first impression immediately are tossed away and never given a chance for an interview, even if they have a matchless skillset for that job opening.


Here’s our list of top things recruiters likely won’t tell you, but you wish they would:

  1. Your resume font/ format is confusing – go simple!
  2. Eye Contact matters – don’t be shy when first meeting.
  3. The attire you wore for the interview was sloppy – know what you should/ shouldn’t wear.
  4. Shake hands firmly – that matters and speaks confidently to the recruiter interviewing yourself.
  5. If you say um/ like/ what too much – it’s an automatic no for lack of attention.
  6. There’s a balance – and you may seem too pushy/ self-centered on your resume and in each interview.
  7. You may be talking too fast/ loud/ too soft – find the appropriate level. Likewise, avoid bold text and bright colors on your resume. 
  8. Your fidgeting is distracting during the interview. 
  9. You lack confidence – you can get a great job, so act like it!
  10. It’s time to grow up – no one wants to hire their own child, so have a professional resume that is grown up and establishes you as a valid member of the workforce.
Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

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