Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

The Climate of Hiring During COVID-19

Have you heard enough about washing your hands and tips for working remotely? You’re not alone.

The rapid expansion of COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the States and the world has left individuals businesses with an unsettling sense of urgency and uncertainty about the future. At Sales Recruiters, we’re here to help you develop creative ways to keep your business operating and staying ahead of the curve when it comes to hiring… all while keeping our utmost priority the safety of our employees and helping our clients to keep ahead of the crowd on hiring.

Caring for our employees:

Our operations have always been set up to maximize work from home opportunities, and that is why we were able to easily transition to a model where all our employees are now working from the safety of their homes. Our staff is the lifeblood of our organization, and we are here to support them and their needs at this time as they graciously continue to ensure the continued recruitment process for our clients.

How we are pushing forward with the hiring process:

While it may seem counterintuitive to think of hiring during this time of economic downturn, many of our clients are actually opting to continue the interview process as far as possible without in-person interviews. To this end, we are rapidly making alternative arrangements for our recruitment tactics by allowing for completely virtual interviews via phone calls and video interviewing using our technological capabilities.

Along with enhanced flexibility through virtual interviews, we also encourage offers with open start dates because while an employee might not be needed at this moment, it’s a good idea to lock them down for when you need them in the future.

Why NOW is the time to act and fulfill critical staffing needs:

Regardless of whether this epidemic lasts 2 more months or more than that, we believe that a proactive approach is essential NOW. The American people will bounce back, and you need to make sure your business is ready for that.

Waiting for the epidemic to pass to start your hiring process may put you leagues behind your competition and drive you to offer significantly higher packages to attract the best talent. But if you engage our services now, you will be ahead of the curve, and you’ll have the pick of your choice from the very best talent that’s seeking jobs right now.

If you have any anticipated hiring needs, engage with a recruiter today to ensure that you have a competitive edge by being farther along in the recruitment process when the time to onboard new employees comes.

Send us an email or pick up the phone today to speak to a recruiter and discuss the needs of your business and how you can make the best of the talent pool that’s waiting for you today.

Links of useful information

In the meantime, here are some relevant links to keep yourself up to date with authentic news regarding the coronavirus:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

United States Department of Labor: https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/ / https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf

Financial resources for workers affected by COVID-19: https://joinhomebase.com/blog/financial-resources-for-workers-affected-by-covid-19/

COVID-19 common employer questions and answers: https://www.littler.com/events/covid-19-common-employer-questions-asked-and-answered

New U.S Department of Labor guidance on unemployment insurance flexibilities during COVID-19 outbreak: https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/eta/eta20200312-0


We are here for you, and we hope you and your family stay safe.

Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

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