Understanding The New Overtime Rules-New Overtime Rules for Salespeople

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

We’ve all heard the buzz encircling the new rules when it comes to overtime and salespeople. However, many of us are left with a variety of unanswered questions regarding all the details. This overview will expose the facts of the recent changes in overtime laws. Let’s start...

5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Linkedin Profile to Make Recruiters Love What They See

  By Sheri Pintarelli

Category: Article

With so many social media accounts at our fingertips, LinkedIn often gets put on the backburner. How many of us routinely login to to post updates let alone ensure that our LinkedIn profiles feature our newest skills and accomplishments? It’s easy to get complacent, but LinkedIn should be the first...

3 Reasons It May Just Be Harder Than Ever To Hire

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

In today’s world the job market is up and down with a variety of reasons for the what can sometimes be seen as a rollercoaster. It seems there are constantly new businesses starting and the need for qualified, hard working salespeople would be at an all time high, but still...

How Can You Find a Recruiter Near You?

  By Sheri Pintarelli

Category: Article

We all want top talent. There’s no denying that fact. Candidates with strong skill sets and experience drive a business forward. With less than 50% of the American workforce satisfied in their jobs , the opportunity for hiring candidates is here. And it comes as no easy feat....

Workers Sue Over Silicon Valley Anti-poaching Pacts

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

More than 60,000 high-tech workers have a bone to pick with Apple, Google, Intel and several other Silicon Valley giants. In a class-action suit filed with the U.S. District Court of Northern California, workers with these companies claim that the late Steve Jobs and other CEOs conspired to keep their wages...

Stockton College Council of Black Faculty and Staff Annual Dinner Benefits Scholarships

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

The Council of Black Faculty and Staff at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey hosted its 29th Annual Awards Dinner and Dance recently at the Carriage House in Galloway. Since its inception more than a quarter of a century ago, the Council of...

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