Getting to Know You

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

Out of all the careers you could have selected, why did you pick sales? I am sure you have been asked or have posed this question during an interview. Most are confident when answering this question about themself; it is their “why” and what motivates them in the...

Book Round Up: Small Business Edition

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

What is a small business? Is it defined by the number of employees? The size of the business location? Is it based on sales? According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) a small business is defined by firm revenue and by employment. The SBA

Tell Me About a Time When You Nailed the Interview

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

You are feeling so confident walking into your interview. You have a killer resume, done your research, dressed the part, even done a mock interview with a friend. After the formalities the interview begins. You breeze through the first few questions; you have prepared for this! The questions...

The Great Resignation & How to Attract Top Talent

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

Over the last few years, there’s been a significant shift in attitudes towards workplace culture, which has been compounded by the current COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in certain sectors struggling to recruit new and existing talent. Coupled with the great resignation we’re seeing...

The Final Interview Question

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

You’ve nailed your interview. You are feeling confident. One more question stands between you and a potential job offer. “Do you have any questions for us?” The question settles and you think, what do I ask?!? This time is so important; what you...

10 Books to Read Before Summer

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

Maybe you would consider yourself a bookworm and consume a book each month. You have certainly finished all the books you received as Christmas gifts! Perhaps you are an occasional book reader, sneaking in a few pages when you have a spare moment. You certainly did not have...

Showing Page 17 to 34 of 203 Article Posts

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