8 Books to Enrich Your Future

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

Whether you got into sales to make money or were motivated by other factors, this business is all about making money. Sales goals are aimed at increasing revenue. Making a profit is the job. Andy Warhol said it another way, “Making money is art and working is art...

Hiring Another You

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

Amid “The Great Resignation” it may feel impossible to find and hire the right person. No one seems to be immune to the challenges. Whether a solo entrepreneur or an established business with full payroll, the time will come when you need more bodies. More skilled, capable, independent...

Spring Book Round Up: Tips from Some Greats

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

With technology rapidly advancing we have a whole world’s wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. In a moment's notice we can have access to information about those near and far. Technology has also given us a window into the lives of huge celebrities, media moguls, princesses, and tech...

Interview Tips: Mastering a Negative Response

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

The dreaded negative interview questions. Hiring managers often ask these questions to see how you handle pressure, your level of honesty, and your self awareness. The work environment isn’t always a walk in the park. There are disagreements, unproductive days, projects that fail. They are unavoidable. However, it...

How to Onboard Your Sales Team to Increase Profitability

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

For many hiring managers, a new recruit signing on the dotted line is the end of the hiring process. The reality is that the first few weeks of their time in your company are crucial for shaping their future with you. How good your onboarding process is can directly impact...

Put the Great Resignation to Work for You - 3 Tips for Landing Your Next Job Interview

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

There are more job opportunities than ever before and your dream position could be one of them. As exciting as that sounds, navigating recruiter websites and searching job postings can be overwhelming and uncertain during a time when job changes rise and fall rapidly. However, during a labor...

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