
Myths About Compensation in Small Businesses

by Paul Alvarez | Category: Article

Posted on May 27, 2019 at 04:21:30 PM

The business world is ever-changing and like everything else, the ways compensation is thought about, pursued, completed and discussed among employers and employees alike changes too.  Talking about money during a job interview is something that makes most of us more nervous than it should. We usually avoid it, assume that we’re all on the same page, or just take whatever is offered and never work through any salary negotiations. But none of these are the best strategy! Salary negotiation is an important part of the job interview process and can benefit all parties when done correctly. Here are a few myths to help easy the stress of money conversations: Myth: Hush hush is the way to keep everyone happy. Fact: Ten years ago keeping salaries kept quiet and completely a personal matter with no discussion among fellow employees was appropriate in the workplace, but today, it’s changed. Today employees not only often share with other coworkers their salary...

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3 Tips for Salary Negotiations

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on April 25, 2019 at 02:54:48 PM

Talking about money during a job interview is something that makes most of us more nervous than it should. We usually avoid it, assume that we’re all on the same page, or just take whatever is offered and never work through any salary negotiations. But none of these are the best strategy! Salary negotiation is an important part of the job interview process and can benefit all parties when done correctly. Here are a few tips to ease your nerves and help you have a successful money conversation: Choose the right time to have salary negotiation conversations. This is the key to starting off a salary negotiation conversation on the right foot. You definitely don’t want to come into the initial interview & demand to know what the position pays right out of the gate (or worse, tell the interviewer what you demand to be paid!). This first interview is all about determining if you’re a match for the company and the position. Be prepared to ask thoughtful questions...

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by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on April 22, 2019 at 02:47:11 PM

While many interviewers tend to assess a candidate on a more emotional level in the first few minutes of meeting you want to go beyond your “gut instinct” and have a more quantifiable means of evaluating each candidate. Take the time to organize and be prepared with a list of questions that will be asked during the interview. You can prepare a list of questions centered on the key competencies you’ve defined for your ideal candidate and you will want to use a variety of techniques to learn as much as possible including open-ended questions behavioral questions and periods of silence to gauge the candidate’s responses to each interview questions fall into several main categories. One of these categories of important questions to ask included, problem-solving questions Problem-solving questions pose specific situations relevant to the position and ask the candidate how he would react so you can gain an understanding of the candidate’s thought process...

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