Sales Resilience with Chris Morrison & Henry Glickel - An Exclusive Interview

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

At Sales Recruiter's, we're always trying to bring up to date, informative market knowledge that will keep you pushing through. Especially in these uncharted, and strange economic times. As a first (of likely many)--Henry, who you all know, interviewed a very high performing sales trainer who's pragmatic philosophy and resilience-focused...

Will Temp Labor Be On the Rise? The Aftermath of Covid-19

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

So long are the days when temp employment is just an interim status for finding work between lay-offs and new job placement. As the economy continues to change rapidly, so does the workforce. After a complete economy shutdown, millions have found themselves filing for unemployment and...

Negotiating Job Offers as A Hiring Manager

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

As a hiring manager, finding the right fit for your company is only half of the struggle. After all, once the candidate has been recruited and screened, you need to make them an offer that’s impossible or at least tough for them to refuse. Do...

4 Books to Sharpen Your Leadership Skills This Week

  By Stu Goldblatt

Category: Book Review

Reading is a great way to be productive and pass time. As social distancing orders continue to remain across the United States and the world, there's no better time to freshen up your business leadership skills with a few highly recommended books. We've asked President of Sales Recruiters, Inc., Henry...

The Climate of Hiring During COVID-19

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

Have you heard enough about washing your hands and tips for working remotely? You’re not alone. The rapid expansion of COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the States and the world has left individuals businesses with an unsettling sense of urgency and uncertainty about the future. At Sales Recruiters,...

Is Your Lack Of Sales Talent Costing You Money? 

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Newsletter

Is Your Lack Of Sales Talent Costing You Money? Sales Recruiters will find you top talent that is custom fit for your business, so you'll be on your way to increased sales and profits! Our Experience SRI puts more than 30 years of...

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