
10 Top Tips for Professional Video Conferences

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Wednesday August 18, 2021 at 10:23:03 AM

Video conferences rose to popularity during the Covid pandemic and are a useful tool for connecting teams, meeting with clients, and conducting interviews remotely. Below are our ten top tips for keeping video conferences professional.    Assess the lighting Good lighting is vital to great video as being well-lit helps make your picture appear clearer and allows virtual backgrounds to function better without any weird glitching. Ideally, you should place the light source in front of you; bringing in a desk lamp or positioning your webcam in front of a window can work wonders. The golden rule is to make sure there is more light in front of you than behind.    Mute distractions Turning off everything that could result in a distracting “ping” ensures you and others on the call stay focused. Emails, instant messaging apps, and social media platform sounds will ring through to everyone else on the call so it’s best to sign out of everything to minimize...

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Should Your Next Sales Manager Be an Internal or External Hire?

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Friday May 28, 2021 at 09:59:35 AM

Hiring a new Sales Manager is an important decision for any organization and a major question is always whether it should be an internal promotion or external hire. There are merits and drawbacks to both approaches and it’s important to weigh them up before making a decision.  Let's break it down.  Internal Hires - The Benefits Company Culture One of the main benefits of promoting from within is the guaranteed continuation of existing company culture. By promoting a senior salesperson into a Manager role you can be confident they understand what’s expected of them and how to successfully encourage others to live and breathe your company values. Provided they’re nurtured and encouraged to develop their own management style that delivers results, it can be a great way to build a team.   Career Progression Promoting from within provides junior members of the team with career progression by demonstrating a proven trajectory. This is especially important...

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15 Pop Interview Questions to Ask During Your Next Interview

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Wednesday April 21, 2021 at 08:35:15 AM

Conducting an interview this week? What you ask matters more than ever before as companies are looking to rehire following COVID-19. Whether it's the need for a candidate with a strong cultural fit, a unique skillset or a number of any other variables straining your hiring, here are 15 pop questions to ask to gain just a little more insight of who your candidate is and what their potential for the future is:  There comes a time when you have to stop testing and implement a system. How do you know when you have reached that point? Walk me through a specific example of subordinate who was not meeting your expectations. Think about your average work day. Hat do you have in common with the people you spend time with? Think of a recent technical problem that you faced. Did you set out to solve it with a hypothesis or did you try a battery of solutions to find the best answer? Could you tell me about this experience? To correct or prevent a problem, sometimes someone may need to take...

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