
Remote Work: Sales Team Success Tips

by Sheri Pintarelli | Category: Article

Posted on at 08:37:05 PM

Having an effective sales team in place is vital to the success of any company and traditionally these roles have always been carried out on site as teams work in-person. Due to the impacts of COVID-19 attitudes are starting to shift among employees and job seekers alike, with more of them looking to carry out sales roles remotely. Managing a remote sales team is a new experience for many so we’ve put together a few top tips and best practices to help you get the most out of your remote team.   The benefits...?  Increased productivity One benefit of having your sales team work remotely is increased productivity; a two-year Stanford University study found that remote employees are more productive in comparison to those working from the office. Remote workers experience fewer distractions and therefore tend to work a full day as opposed to turning up late, requesting to leave early, or being distracted by colleagues.   Decreased staff turnover Another great benefit...

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3 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Sales Hires

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Sunday March 21, 2021 at 03:03:25 PM

Interviews... it's become a common part of the lives of many looking to reenter the workforce following COVID-19 layoff. We've heard interviewing compared to a tennis match. The ball gets hit back and forth, rather effortlessly. You can hear the swoosh and the bounce of the ball. An interview should be like a casual game of tennis, where questions are lobbed back and forth. They ask a question, you respond. Then you ask a question, and they respond. Back and forth. Over and over.  Staying in bounds and going often according to what you would plan for and imagine. But the key to that successful interview? It starts with what questions are asked and how they are answered.  The key to a successful hire is asking the right interview questions. The type of questions you chose to ask your interviewer should stem from what you need to know in order to fully evaluate the position. This means the questions you chose to prioritize should be well thought out. We've rounded up...

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5 Questions to Ask When Hiring Your Next Sales Team Member

by Sheri Pintarelli | Category: Article

Posted on Thursday January 28, 2021 at 08:02:47 PM

Hiring sales talent can be tricky, when working to make sure they’re a right fit for your company but also that they’re going to deliver the results you desire. Your sales team should be able to think on their feet, build long-lasting relationships, and most importantly sell - all things that can be hard to screen for in an interview.   Interviewing to discover if the candidate is fit for your company is a tricky process. With 100+ combined years of recruiting practice, we know how to ask the right questions in the right sequence. Finding top talent that will be a custom fit for your business is our expertise.   Sales Recruiters will find you top talent that is custom fit for your business, so you'll be on your way to increased sales and profits! Here are five questions of many great in-depth questions we’d suggest asking next time you’re hiring.   Describe the last sales process you were involved in that you’re proud of A great...

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