
11 Experience Telling Interview Questions

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Friday September 11, 2020 at 08:41:05 AM

When it comes to hiring, asking the right questions in an interview is vital. While hearing about a candidate's job history, education, and skill credentials are important, it could be argued that the most important information you need to make a right hire is hearing how they previously have handled certain experiences. Everything from how did you handle a co-worker trying to start a competition among sales reps to what happens when a client you thought was going to sign says they are working with a competitor? After 100+ years of combined recruitment experience, Sales Recruiters has put together a few of our most asked questions to gather more insight into how each candidate handles an experience in the workplace.  A client calls and says it is urgent that he speaks to your boss. However, your boss has told you he is in a meeting and cannot be disturbed. What would you do? Or share an example of a time this happened in your current role.  A co-worker of yours frequently...

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Why Do Companies Have Job Opening That Just Won't Fill?

by Stu Goldblatt | Category: Article

Posted on Friday September 11, 2020 at 09:22:38 AM

Employers across the USA have positions to fill, cash to spend and benefits to offer - even during a pandemic! And despite an economy that’s trying to bounce back, many companies are seeking candidates to help meet their newly changed goals as they’ve pivoted to be successful in our “new normal”.  Recent data shows that 38 percent of employers have positions open they just cannot find the right candidates to fill. While employers think it should be easy to attract qualified candidates in a job market that’s hot, a few things go missing during the hiring process that steers away top candidates who could be the next best hire.  So what are they?   Confusing job descriptions Skip the “blah – blah” fancy words and overly long job descriptions that likely aren’t fully read.  Candidates want general expectations of what their job task will be and the skills they need to be successful.  Bullet...

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Sales Recruiters Collaborates with Salem Chamber of Commerce for Ask the Experts

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Friday August 21, 2020 at 03:08:26 PM

On June 5, 2020, Henry Glickel, President of Sales Recruiters, Inc. joined together with area business leaders to answer questions from community businesses both small and large during COVID-19. In just a few short months, the pandemic has caused many businesses to reduce their number of employees and restructure how they operate. With many industries "re-opening" using specific state guidelines, businesses are now experiencing the various challenges of bringing employees back to work. Michelle Gray, Henry Glickel, and Robyn Sweeney, discussed strategies on how to address employment challenges in the current business environment and how to setup your business for success. Tune in here to watch the playback. ...

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