
How to Correct a Wrong Hiring Decision

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 03:50:13 PM

Ever been in that spot where you realize your star hire might not be the superstar you thought they were? It's like expecting a gourmet meal and ending up with fast food. It happens in the hiring world more often than we'd like to admit. The key isn't to never make a mistake; it's knowing how to fix it when you do. The star interviewer may not be a star hire.  Some candidates have become so adept at interviewing that they get the job because they interview so well.  Many times, the best candidate is not the best interviewer.    Recognizing a Wrong Hire Spotting a hiring misstep isn't rocket science. It's the new person who just doesn't click, like a left-handed glove on a right hand. Or those skills that shone on paper but dim in the office light. Sometimes, it's the team's reaction – a mix of puzzled looks and shrugged shoulders. Seeing these signs early matters. It's not about pointing fingers; it's about setting the course right for future hiring.   Step...

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Decoding 2024's Hiring Landscape

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 03:56:18 PM

2024's here, and the hiring scene? It's like we're navigating through a maze with new rules. At Sales Recruiters Inc., we're not just bystanders; we're actively adapting to these changes. Let me walk you through our firsthand experiences with the hiring challenges of this year, including the nuances of Legal JobList Mentality and the pitfalls of verbose job descriptions.    Talent Shortage: Our In-House Solution  The talent shortage has become the talk of the town in recruitment. It's like we're chefs in a kitchen where the key ingredients keep running out. Our strategy at Sales Recruiters Inc. is a bit unconventional – we're looking within. We're focusing on the hidden talents and skills within our existing team. Upskilling here isn't just a policy; it's our practical answer to this pervasive challenge.    Legal JobList Mentality: Must-Dos  Navigating the legalities in job listings has become a critical part of our process. It's like walking a...

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Redefining the Interview Experience in 2024: Insights from Sales Recruiters Inc.

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 04:00:08 PM

Let's face it, 2024 has brought a whole new playbook to the hiring game. At Sales Recruiters Inc., we've been riding this wave of change, and there's one standout lesson: the way we converse with candidates can profoundly shape their view of the job, our company, and us as interviewers. It's about transforming those nerve-wracking interviews into genuine, engaging conversations.   The Shift in Atmosphere Picture walking into an interview room – instead of that daunting, formal air, you're welcomed into a conversation that feels like a meeting of minds. That's the atmosphere we're cultivating. It's a space where candidates can relax and open up, showing us who they really are beyond the resume. This approach isn't just about being nice; it's about creating an environment where true potential can shine.   Conversations, Not Interrogations Remember the old interrogation-style and one-way controlled interviews? We're leaving them in the past. Today, it's all about two-way...

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