Set Aside the Standards
by Henry Glickel | Category: Book Review
Posted on Wednesday October 6, 2022 at 07:00:00 AM

Along the way a sales book or two has crossed your path; maybe a gift, maybe a library find. There are some stellar books out there that would be classified as “Sales Standards”. Everyone has read them a time or two. This month, set aside the standards and pick up one of these top sales books instead. Or pick up two, one for you and one for a colleague. You might find a tried and true technique explained in a new way. Or maybe you will discover a new practice to implement. Jeffrey Gitomer's 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling: Proven Actions You Must Take to Make Easier, Faster, Bigger Sales... Now and Forever! Jeffrey Gitomer These 21.5 Laws are the rock foundation of selling. They may be invisible but they are undeniable — and unbreakable.The No 1. Best Seller Lee Bartlett ...
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Finding Goal Oriented Candidates
by Henry Glickel | Category: Article
Posted on Friday October 1, 2022 at 07:00:00 AM

Are you a goal oriented person? Asking this question in your next round of interviews is a dead end yielding very little information about the candidate in front of you. You want to hire a person who is focused and driven by purpose. With such a brief time together in an interview, you have to ask specific questions aimed at getting information to determine if the candidate is a suitable fit. Here are 7 questions centered around goal orientation to get you started. Can you think of a time when you worked hard to attain a difficult goal or get something accomplished against the odds? What was the situation and what did you do? Describe the professional accomplishments of which you are most proud. Explain a project where the targeted objectives were not achieved; what did you learn from this experience Have you experienced times when you have had more to accomplish than your normal schedule permitted? If yes, when was the last time...
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True Grit
by Henry Glickel | Category: Article
Posted on Wednesday September 15, 2022 at 07:00:00 AM

In a 2013 TED Talk, Angela Duckworth explains that a significant predictor of success is grit or “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.” In sales, you’ve got to be gritty. You can’t just plug along until you make the sale. Strength and tenacity are needed to achieve success. From a client viewpoint, persistence can show dedication and purpose on your part. And hiring managers want people like this to join their team. Use the following 10 questions to analyze and prepare to show how you have demonstrated grit in the field. Because no matter how you describe it—persistence, perseverance, or passion—it is of significant value to a sales team. A client calls and says it is urgent that he speaks to your boss. However, your boss has told you he is in a meeting and cannot be disturbed. What would you do? Are you assertive? Tell me about a time when you have demonstrated...
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