
Recruitment Era 4: The Compounding Influence on Recruitment (2006-2020)

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Wednesday July 20, 2023 at 12:22:08 PM

Introduction: The period from 2006 to 2020 witnessed the emergence of Era 4, a transformative time in recruitment due to technological advancements and the rise of social media. The emergence of social media platforms has fundamentally transformed the way individuals communicate and connect, presenting new opportunities and complexities in the realm of job searching. On one hand, social media has expanded the reach and visibility of candidates, allowing them to showcase their professional achievements, skills, and interests to a wider audience. It has become a powerful tool for networking, enabling job seekers to connect with professionals, industry leaders, and potential employers in ways that were not possible before. Moreover, social media provides valuable insights into company cultures and values, helping candidates make informed decisions about the organizations they wish to pursue.   However, the increasing reliance on social media for recruitment also presents challenges...

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Navigating the Quest: Interviewing Candidates for a Management Position

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Wednesday July 6, 2023 at 08:00:05 AM

Interviewing candidates for a management position can be an intriguing process.  And in this competitive, dynamic world finding the right leader to guide and inspire a team is crucial for organizational success. As you embark on this journey to fill a top position, it’s important to explore the intricacies of selecting exceptional individuals who not only possess the necessary qualifications but also align with the values and vision of your company.  We’ve rounded up six interview questions to help uncover the key factors that make a candidate stand out; their leadership style, problem-solving prowess, and potential to drive growth.  There is no top secret formula to assemble a powerful management team.  It takes preparation and an understanding of what your organization needs to help shape the future of your organization.   Why do you want to manage people?   As a manager, what methods would you use to keep informed of your employee’s...

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Recruitment Era 3: Revolutionizing the Staffing Industry (Late 1990s-2005)

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Tuesday July 5, 2023 at 12:20:48 PM

In the late 1990s to 2005, the world witnessed a significant transformation in the way the staffing and hiring industry operated. This period, known as Recruitment Era 3, was characterized by advancements in technology that revolutionized the recruitment process. Building upon the groundwork laid by the previous two eras, Era 3 marked a turning point where technology took center stage and reshaped the power dynamics between recruiters and job candidates. The key developments that shaped this era and transformed the recruitment landscape include:    Technological Advancements Set the Stage Recruitment Eras 1 and 2 were instrumental in laying the foundation for the changes that would come in Era 3. The widespread adoption of email, cellphones, and websites with job boards during the earlier eras had already begun to shape the industry. However, websites during this period were often limited in terms of interactivity, graphics, and features due to the limitations in loadability...

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