
A Growing and Evolving CEO

by Henry Glickel | Category: Book Review

Posted on Wednesday April 10, 2024 at 07:44:13 AM

A CEO stands at the helm of an organization, steering its course and embodying its vision. Their role transcends mere leadership; it's about fostering a culture of growth and evolution. In today's dynamic business landscape, the importance of continuous adaptation and progress cannot be overstated. A CEO's commitment to growth isn't just about profits and expansion; it's about embracing change, nurturing innovation, and empowering their team to navigate uncertainties while seizing opportunities.  This month we’ve rounded up five books aimed at the CEO.  Their ability to evolve, learn, and pivot not only shapes the company's trajectory but also sets the tone for resilience and adaptability across the entire organization, fostering a culture that thrives in an ever-changing world. The 2-Day CEO Skylar Lewis Are...

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The Power of Varied Perspectives in Sales Teams

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Monday April 8, 2024 at 07:43:29 AM

An organization's success goes beyond the product or service being offered—it's deeply intertwined with the strength and diversity of the team behind it.  It is imperative to acknowledge the immense value diversity and inclusion bring to sales teams.  Diversity and inclusion foster a more empathetic workplace culture, create a robust and innovative environment, as well as directly impact the bottom line.   THE HOW Diversity within sales teams extends far beyond surface-level demographics.  It encompasses background, experience, perspective, and skill.  When it comes to recruiting for a sales force, recruitment agencies are crucial in seeking diverse talent. Here are three strategies:1. Expanding Search Horizons Agencies can explore a wider range of platforms, networks, and communities to connect with potential diverse candidates. This involves attending events hosted by various organizations and collaborating with specialized job boards. 2. Fair...

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How to Correct a Wrong Hiring Decision

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 03:50:13 PM

Ever been in that spot where you realize your star hire might not be the superstar you thought they were? It's like expecting a gourmet meal and ending up with fast food. It happens in the hiring world more often than we'd like to admit. The key isn't to never make a mistake; it's knowing how to fix it when you do. The star interviewer may not be a star hire.  Some candidates have become so adept at interviewing that they get the job because they interview so well.  Many times, the best candidate is not the best interviewer.    Recognizing a Wrong Hire Spotting a hiring misstep isn't rocket science. It's the new person who just doesn't click, like a left-handed glove on a right hand. Or those skills that shone on paper but dim in the office light. Sometimes, it's the team's reaction – a mix of puzzled looks and shrugged shoulders. Seeing these signs early matters. It's not about pointing fingers; it's about setting the course right for future hiring.   Step...

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