
Cyber Insurance for Small Businesses

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on May 07, 2020 at 07:31:50 AM

Introduction: You are at the potential risk of a data breach if your company has valuable assets such as customers’ database, intellectual property, or corporate data. Regardless of whether you're a Fortune 500 firm or a small retail outlet —cybercriminals are always hunting for their next target. Believing that small scale businesses are impervious to cyber crooks is a naive misconception. In fact, according to Verizon, 43% of cyber-crimes are targeted at small firms. [1] No company, organization, firm, or corporation of any size is entirely safe and secure from a potential data breach. What is cyber-insurance? Cyber insurance is an integrated and comprehensive insurance policy that covers your business’ liability for a data breach involving personally identifiable information (P.I.I.). It includes information related to Social Security numbers (S.S.N.), credit card and debit card details, bank account numbers, driver’s license details, and medical records and...

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Sales Resilience with Chris Morrison & Henry Glickel - An Exclusive Interview

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on May 07, 2020 at 08:58:09 AM

At Sales Recruiter's, we're always trying to bring up to date, informative market knowledge that will keep you pushing through. Especially in these uncharted, and strange economic times. As a first (of likely many)--Henry, who you all know, interviewed a very high performing sales trainer who's pragmatic philosophy and resilience-focused selling ideas could very easily be the most important thing you digest today that will give you clarity on how to get through this time. And, maybe for the first time in months give you the certainty right now that everything IS going to be okay, and exactly what to do. Don't be alarmed with his accent, Chris Morrison may be all the way from Sydney, Australia, but his message will be accepted globally and truly give you a reason to feel safe and downright excited about this opportunity we have in front of us right now! Listen in, and let us know what you think! You can reach Chris at: LinkedIN: Instagram: ...

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Will Temp Labor Be On the Rise? The Aftermath of Covid-19

by Henry Glickel | Category: Article

Posted on April 20, 2020 at 06:35:07 PM

So long are the days when temp employment is just an interim status for finding work between lay-offs and new job placement.  As the economy continues to change rapidly, so does the workforce. After a complete economy shutdown, millions have found themselves filing for unemployment and searching for their next opportunity. Did you know...  Temporary employment has been growing steadily for the last several years as the U.S. recovered from the last recession. Nearly 480,000 jobs were added from 2012 to 2019 with companies seeking more flexibility in how the staff and workers seeking greater control over when and where they work. While temporary employment is relatively balanced among age groups, the majority (57 percent) of people working temporary assignments, or gigs, are ages 35 and older; 18 percent are ages 55 and older. The number one reason why people say they want to take on gig work is to earn extra income followed by the desire to get their foot in the...

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